
blueMSX is a Windows based application that can emulate an MSX computer. The blueMSX application simulates behavior of the hardware components in the MSX computer with software. The result is an application that behaves like a real MSX in and enables you to run a great amount of software written for the MSX computer.

MSX is a computer platform used by a large public from the early eighties to the mid nineties. In contrast to other platforms of the same period, MSX was a standard for computers, not a specific brand. Many companies such as Sony and Panasonic created their own computers based of the MSX standard.

The original MSX was followed by a couple of generations of MSXes. Currently blueMSX supports MSX, MSX2 and MSX2+ software.

blueMSX was created in September 2003 by Daniel Vik. Since April 2004, the core development team consists of Daniel Vik and Benoεt Delvaux.

But there are many persons that in different ways have contributed to the development. See the Credits section for a list of everyone that have made blueMSX what it is today.